Mouse to move pieces. E/R to rotate.



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Fun little game! Not inherently obvious what I should do, but easy enough to figure out on you own. Also really liked the art style. Really enjoyed that I made the music by placing the blocks. Even though I sucked at making a coherent song :p  I would suggest adding some form of goal to make the player driven to play the game more. Good job!

thanks for messing around w it! i do want to keep working on it but idk which direction to go :(

Well if you could make some sort of goal (a #/per second goal or someting) and maybe make different fields and put some restrains on them (like you can only use 3 of a type of block) then you'll have a problem to overcome and it'll become a kind of puzzle game. That could be fun, it'd also help with the retention of the player I would feel :D

i like that idea,, - yea the max on this one is like 30/s but i didnt' really make that clear anywhere. I feel like maybe having some other kind of progression too like total square goals to unlock new levels or smting. hoping to get back to this project soon i appreciate the feedback it helps!